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COBB Griliai – Tobulas Partneris Kepimui Bet Kur

Išsirinkite Ugniavietę, Kuri Papuoš Jūsų Lauko Erdvę


Looking for the perfect grilling experience?

We offer a range of grills, from compact portable grills to high-quality premium and professional models.

Grill accessories and accessories

Napoleon grills

Largest selection

The largest selection of grills and accessories in Lithuania.

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Receive it within 2-3 (working) days.

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14-day money-back guarantee on all items.

Expert advice

Our experts will help you choose the right grill or accessories.

Our news, recipes and tips

Kepame su COBB. Seminaras

Kepame su COBB. Seminaras

Jau tradicija tampantis seminaras „Kepame su COBB!" sugrįžta! Kaip ir kasmet, prasideda naujasis griliavimo sezonas, o klausimai išlieka tie patys: Kokius priedus naudoti ruošiant skirtingus patiekalus? Kaip tinkamai parūkinti maistą su Cobb?...

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Lietuvos Vardui 1015. Grill Sezono Atidarymas ir Rekordas

For the name of Lithuania 1015. Grill Season Opening and Record

The name of Lithuania is mentioned for the first time in 1009. This year, we have an extraordinary opportunity to celebrate the 1015th anniversary of Lithuania's name, to open the...

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  Preparation time 20 min   Baking time 60 min   Portions 4   Ingredients Easy Quick and easy Juicy and crunchy Recipe for Peruvian-style chicken with rice and green sauce...

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Kaip išsirinkti anglinį grilį?

Kā izvēlēties oglekļa grilu?

Tie, kas vēlas iegādāties oglekļa grilu, var izvēlēties pat no dažiem oglekļa griliem: keramikas kamado, metāla kamado, oglekļa grilu (tējkanna) un ceļot Cobb Grill. Tātad rodas jautājums par to, kad...

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Kiaulienos šoninė

Pork bacon

Although it is a slightly fattier dish, it always receives a lot of praise from fans of leaner food. When cooked over the coals in a campfire or on the...

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NAPOLEON dujinių grilių pristatymas - degustacija

NAPOLEON gas grills presentation - tasting

Our aim is to share the information we have and help you choose the right grill for you. After all, some people want to start cooking straight away, with easy...

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Pagaląsk žinias su profesionalu. Peiliai ir jų priežiūra.

Sharpen your knowledge with a professional. Knives and knife care.

High-profile series of events "Sharpen your knowledge with a professional" is back!  A handy, stylish, long-lasting sharp knife is an indispensable part of cooking. But: How do you choose a...

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Pipirinis jautienos kepsnys su bulvėmis ir kreminiu grybų padažu ant COBB grilio

Piparu liellopa steiks ar kartupeļiem un krēmīgu sēņu mērci uz Koba grila

Šī liellopu gaļas steika sulu spiešana un unikālā garša ir lieliski piemērota vēsiem vakariem, kad vēlaties piesātinātu un nedaudz taukainu ēdienu. Recepte tiek uzklāta uz Cobb bārbekjū, bet tā ir...

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Naudingi ir praktiški patarimai Joninėms

Useful and practical tips for Midsummer

Midsummer is inseparable from a bunch of friends, fun time in nature and, of course, delicious food. And it's usually cooked over a campfire or on the grill. So here...

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